Wenatchee Valley Color Rush

The Wenatchee Valley Color Rush is a fundraising event presented by Chelan-Douglas CASA & SAGE Advocacy Center. It’s a family friendly run, walk, or jog, untimed event (we welcome . Throughout the course, participants are doused from head to toe in a different colored powder. Participants wear white at the starting line and finish the race plastered in color. Participants vary in demographics and reasons for running. With no winners or official times, The Color Rush caters to everyone—first time runners to seasoned athletes.

Presented in partnership with the TekniPlex Youth Parade in April!!

All proceeds go to supporting CASA & SAGE Advocacy Center’s work to build brighter futures and stronger communities!

Saturday, April 26th, 2025!!!

ABOUT Sage Advocacy Center
Sage Advocacy Center of Wenatchee, Washington, believes that all people deserve to live in safety. To achieve this, we serve adults and youth impacted by violence to build healthier lives by offering support, resources, and professional services. Sage Advocacy Center is committed to ending violence through education, advocacy, and empowerment. We are dismantling the institutions of oppression that lead to violence: racism, patriarchy, classism, and sexism. We dedicate our work to supporting survivors and holding perpetrators of violence accountable.